Any ideas what my problems are?, basis=‘draw_graph_k10’, color=[‘Time point (days)’, ‘leiden_k10’, ‘leiden_k100’], frameon=False, size=5), basis=‘draw_graph_k100’, color=[‘Time point (days)’, ‘leiden_k10’, ‘leiden_k100’], frameon=False, size=5)

Received the following error messages:

ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
----> 1, basis=‘draw_graph_k10’, color=[‘Time point (days)’, ‘leiden_k10’, ‘leiden_k100’], frameon=False, size=5)
2, basis=‘draw_graph_k100’, color=[‘Time point (days)’, ‘leiden_k10’, ‘leiden_k100’], frameon=False, size=5)

/programs/x86_64-linux/scvi-tools/0.8.1/scvi-tools_extlib/miniconda3-4.8.3-fp7e/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/plotting/ in scatter(adata, x, y, color, use_raw, layers, sort_order, alpha, basis, groups, components, projection, legend_loc, legend_fontsize, legend_fontweight, legend_fontoutline, color_map, palette, frameon, right_margin, left_margin, size, title, show, save, ax)
118 args = locals()
119 if basis is not None:
→ 120 return _scatter_obs(**args)
121 if x is None or y is None:
122 raise ValueError(‘Either provide a basis or x and y.’)

/programs/x86_64-linux/scvi-tools/0.8.1/scvi-tools_extlib/miniconda3-4.8.3-fp7e/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scanpy/plotting/ in _scatter_obs(adata, x, y, color, use_raw, layers, sort_order, alpha, basis, groups, components, projection, legend_loc, legend_fontsize, legend_fontweight, legend_fontoutline, color_map, palette, frameon, right_margin, left_margin, size, title, show, save, ax)
319 colorbar = False
320 else:
→ 321 raise ValueError(
322 f’key {key!r} is invalid! pass valid observation annotation, ’
323 f’one of {adata.obs_keys()} or a gene name {adata.var_names}’

ValueError: key ‘Time point (days)’ is invalid! pass valid observation annotation, one of [‘Day’, ‘Batch’, ‘n_counts’, ‘Batch index’, ‘doublet_score’, ‘predicted_doublet’, ‘n_genes_by_counts’, ‘total_counts’, ‘total_counts_mt’, ‘pct_counts_mt’, ‘mt MAD p-val’, ‘mt MAD p-val BH’, ‘mt_accepted’, ‘_scvi_batch’, ‘_scvi_labels’, ‘_scvi_local_l_mean’, ‘_scvi_local_l_var’, ‘leiden_k100’, ‘_scvi_raw_norm_scaling’, ‘leiden_k1’, ‘leiden_k2’, ‘leiden_k5’, ‘leiden_k10’, ‘leiden_k20’, ‘leiden_k50’] or a gene name Index([‘SAMD11’, ‘PLEKHN1’, ‘HES4’, ‘ISG15’, ‘AGRN’, ‘C1QTNF12’, ‘MXRA8’,
‘ANKRD65’, ‘VWA1’, ‘TMEM240’,

‘COL18A1’, ‘AJ011932.1’, ‘COL6A1’, ‘COL6A2’, ‘MCM3AP-AS1’, ‘C21orf58’,
‘PCNT’, ‘S100B’, ‘MT-ND6’, ‘AC007325.4’],
dtype=‘object’, length=4060)

Based on the traceback, "Time point (days)" is not in adata.obs.keys(), but "Day" is.

Also, this issue is specific to Scanpy and not scvi-tools. These sorts of questions can be asked here: